Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de bandage

to bandagevendar

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I bandageyo vendo
you bandagetú vendas
he bandagesél venda
she bandagesella venda
we bandagenosotros vendamos
you bandagevosotros vendáis
they bandageellos vendan
they bandageellas vendan

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I bandagedyo vendé
you bandagedtú vendaste
he bandagedél vendó
she bandagedella vendó
we bandagednosotros vendamos
you bandagedvosotros vendasteis
they bandagedellos vendaron
they bandagedellas vendaron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have bandagedyo he vendado
you have bandagedtú has vendado
he has bandagedél ha vendado
she has bandagedella ha vendado
we have bandagednosotros hemos vendado
you have bandagedvosotros habéis vendado
they have bandagedellos han vendado
they have bandagedellas han vendado

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had bandagedyo había vendado
you had bandagedtú habías vendado
he had bandagedél había vendado
she had bandagedella había vendado
we had bandagednosotros habíamos vendado
you had bandagedvosotros habíais vendado
they had bandagedellos habían vendado
they had bandagedellas habían vendado

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will bandageyo vendaré
you will bandagetú vendarás
he will bandageél vendará
she will bandageella vendará
we will bandagenosotros vendaremos
you will bandagevosotros vendaréis
they will bandageellos vendarán
they will bandageellas vendarán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have bandagedyo habré vendado
you will have bandagedtú habrás vendado
he will have bandagedél habrá vendado
she will have bandagedella habrá vendado
we will have bandagednosotros habremos vendado
you will have bandagedvosotros habréis vendado
they will have bandagedellos habrán vendado
they will have bandagedellas habrán vendado

I would bandageyo vendaría
you would bandagetú vendarías
he would bandageél vendaría
she would bandageella vendaría
we would bandagenosotros vendaríamos
you would bandagevosotros vendaríais
they would bandageellos vendarían
they would bandageellas vendarían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have bandagedyo habría vendado
you would have bandagedtú habrías vendado
he would have bandagedél habría vendado
she would have bandagedella habría vendado
we would have bandagednosotros habríamos vendado
you would have bandagedvosotros habríais vendado
they would have bandagedellos habrían vendado
they would have bandagedellas habrían vendado

Participio presenteAnotado
bandaging vendando

Participio pasadoAnotado
bandaged vendado

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